Sunday, October 31, 2010

You say Tomato…

We are in the middle of our Embryology lectures now.  Learning about how an embryo develops into recognizable parts, but if only it was that easy.  We learn the 3 germ layers and from there, where each type of tissue in the body derives from.  It’s more complicated than that, but I won’t put you through that.

So that’s what I did today - “revised” my embryology.  That’s what they say here instead of "studying” 

You don’t give a cashier a “bill”, you give them a “note”.  Don’t go shopping for waterproof “pants”, look for waterproof “trousers”.  The term pants here refers to underwear.  You don’t trim your “bangs”, it’s your “fringe”.  You would call me on my “mobile”, give me directions to the “toilet” and put your “rubbish” in the “bin”.  A “jumper” isn’t an outfit for a baby, it’s a sweater.

I also learned that you “flip” a coin, but “cast” a sheep.  Stay tuned till tomorrow for those details!

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